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About the Arts and Culture Center in Konin


THE ARTS AND CULTURE CENTER IN KONIN (CENTRUM KULTURY I SZTUKI W KONINIE, CKiS) – A cultural institution of the Wielkopolska Voivodeship Government since 21st September 1999.

However, the center’s history starts off much earlier.

On 1st July 1988 a voivodeship agency under the name of the Voivodeship Cultural Center (Wojewódzki Ośrodek Kultury or WOK) separates itself from the structures of the Voivodeship Community Center (Wojewódzki Dom Kultury). In 1994 WOK takes the Art Exhibition Bureau under its wings, thus taking on a new name – the Voivodeship Cultural and Art Exhibition Center (Wojewódzki Ośrodek Kultury i Wystaw Artystycznych or WOKWA). The lasted until 1999 when the institution took on its current name.

Part of current CKiS organisational structure is the CKiS Gallery “WIEŻA CIŚNIEŃ”. From 18th May 2004 to 31st January 2008 the CKiS structure also comprised of the Zofia Urbanowska Memorial House in the Zofia Urbanowska Cultural Center in Kowalewko, however from 1st February 2009 the House was loaned out to OSP Kowalewko. On 1st December 2012 CKiS Cultural Center “OSKARD” was integrated into CKiS structures. The institution heanquartes (“CENTRUM”) can be found on Okólna Street 47a, Konin.

Its director from 1993 was Jadwiga Kujawińska, who started off her professional career with this institution. Currently Elżbieta Barszcz holds the position of director.
Our institution – in accordance with its Statute – cares for the development and promotion of amateur art movements. In order to fulfil this task we strictly cooperate with the local goverments of the following counties: Koło, Konin, Słupce and Turek. This is a multilayerd cooperation focusing on mutual financial, substantive, organisational, technical and grounds assistance, which is ultimately based on good will and trust.


The main duties of CKiS:

– organisation of exhibitions of the works of the amateur art movement,

– organisation of professional training for management, instructors, members of art ensembles or individual artists,

– education of youth and kids through outdoor events, artistic workshops, lectures,

– instructional skills activities with special focus on consultancy for the amateur art movement, legal advice, promotion and publications,

– operation of the Art Gallery, which organises exhibitions of broadly defined professional modern art, including the presentation of works of recognised, classical artists as well as the promotion of young artists at the start of their artistic careers.


Since acquiring a new headquartes in 2011 we have enhanced our cultural offer with community activities – permanent artistic classes for youth and kids, exhibitions of non-professional artists.

We are an organiser of recognised countrywide, Wielkopolska and cross-county events dedicated to artists and authors of the amateur art movement – with no age limitations, as well as of exhibitions, concerts and other forms of exposition of professional artists. More information on the above can be found on our website, which offer an insight into the center’s diverse scope of artistic fields and forms of initiatives.

We differentiate ourselves through our efficient and well-organised team work. Participants and guests react very positively to the friendly and hospitable atmosphere we work hard to introduce at our events. Therefore we are blessed to have a large circle of longstanding recipients or even fans. In such an positive atmosphere it is easier to fulfil our culture-forming role in these adverse times.



Director – Justyna Kałużyńska-Markocka

Deputy Director – Joanna Szydłowska

Head Accountant – Małgorzata Radziemska

Administration Department Manager – Małgorzata Wojciechowska

Technical Department Manager – Bartłomiej Lewandowski